domenica 15 settembre 2013

Aggiornamenti da Gaza

 Aggiornamenti da Gaza
Navi militari EGIZIANE sono entrate in acque palestinesi nel porto di Rafah ed hanno aperto il fuoco contro barche di pescatori palestinesi. I soldati hanno arrestato i pescatori Omar Mohammed Al-Bardawil e suo figlio, hanno poi rilasciato il figlio e trattenuto solo Omar. Dopo piu' di un'ora, i soldati egiziani hannor ilasciato Omar lanciandolo in mare di fronte Rafah dopo averlo picchiato. Omar e' stato in grado i nuotare fino alla spiaggia.

Fonti da Khan Younis, nel sud della Striscia, hanno riferito di aver visto la marina egiziana a due miglia di distanza dal porto di Khan Younis.

Inoltre navi militari israeliane hanno aperto il fuoco contro barche di pescatori palestinesi davanti alle coste di Soudanya, sparando a caso in tutte le direzioni e lanciando razzi di avvertimento. L'attacco e' continuato per 2 ore.

1-علمت مصادرنا من داخل البحر قيام الطراد الصهيونى المتمركز قبالة ساحل السودانيه باطلاق النار الكثيف صوب قوارب الصيادين وبشكل عشوائى وبكافة الاتجاهات مترافق مع اطلاق فوانيس الاناره وقد استمر اطلاق النار لاكثر من ساعتين
2-افادت مصادرنا من مدينة رفح قيام الزوارق السريعه المصريه بالوصول الى ميناء رفح مع اطلاق نار تجاه قوارب الصيادين كما افادت مصادرنا عن اعتقال عمر محمد البردويل وابنه ومنثم اطلقت سراح ابنه واخذ عمر الى منطقه مجهوله وبعد اكثر ومن ساعه علمنا عن قيام جنود البحريه المصريه بضرب عمر بشكل مبرح والقلءه بالبحر
3-افادت مصادرنا من مدينة خانيونس وصول الطراد المصرى الساعه 9مساء قبالة ميناء خانيونس على بعد2ميل

1 - According to our sources, Israeli gunboat stationed off the coast of the Sudanya opened heavy fire at Palestinian fishing boats randomly in all directions
and fired waring flares. The shooting continued for more than two hours.

2 - According to our sources from the city of Rafah, Egyptian gunboats entered the port of Rafah shooting at the Palestinian fishing boats. Our sources
reported also about the arrest of the fishermen Omar Mohammed al-Bardawil and his son. Then the soldiers released his son and took tha fisherman Omar and
after more than an hour Egyptian soldiers threw him into the sea in front of Rafah after beating him severely. He was able to swim until he reached the beach.

3 - our sources from the city of Khan Younis reported the arrival of the Egyptian navy at 9 pm 2 miles off the port of Khan Younis

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